During calendar year 2023, Helping US Grow (HUG) distributed
177,291 diapers and pull-ups to families in need.
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Diaper Bank of MN and HUG to make this happen. With one in three families struggling to provide adequate diaper changes, the need is great.
Want to help? Collection sites are needed--please contact 763-504-4983 if you are interested in setting up a collection site.
Cash donations can be made directly to: The Diaper Bank of MN diaperbankmn.org/how-can-i-help/donate-financially/
177,291 diapers and pull-ups to families in need.
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Diaper Bank of MN and HUG to make this happen. With one in three families struggling to provide adequate diaper changes, the need is great.
Want to help? Collection sites are needed--please contact 763-504-4983 if you are interested in setting up a collection site.
Cash donations can be made directly to: The Diaper Bank of MN diaperbankmn.org/how-can-i-help/donate-financially/
Did you know?
One in three families struggle to provide diapers for their children!
If you are in need of diapers, please go to our "Contact Us" page and fill out the request form.
One in three families struggle to provide diapers for their children!
If you are in need of diapers, please go to our "Contact Us" page and fill out the request form.
NEED DIAPERS? If you are in need of diapers, please click on this link to request diapers in the size you need.

Diaper Facts:
- 5.3 million children in the U.S. aged three or younger live in poor or low-income families.
- 1 in 3 American families reports experiencing diaper need.
- Diapers cannot be obtained with food stamps.
- Disposable diapers cost $70 to $80 per month per baby.
- No state or federal child safety-net program allocates dollars specifically for the purchase of diapers.
- Without transportation, buying diapers at a convenience store rather than a large “big box” store can significantly increase the monthly cost of diapers.
- Infants require up to 12 diapers per day, toddlers about 8.
According to a Yale University study published in August in Pediatrics magazine, almost 30 percent of low-income women with children in diapers can’t afford an adequate supply of them. Some mothers are forced to make one or two diapers last the whole day, emptying them out and putting them back on the baby. ("Poverty in 2013: When Even Diapers Are a Luxury | The Nation. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.)
Based on a survey of almost 900 low-income women in and around New Haven, Connecticut, investigators found the lack of diapers—such a simple thing—had profound and complex effects. The risks to children’s health are obvious: rashes, urinary tract infections, painful chafing. (If a mom is too poor to afford diapers, she probably can’t afford diaper cream or wipes or baby powder, either.) But to their surprise, the study authors also found that not being able to provide this necessary item (to say nothing of having a baby prone to fussing because of the discomfort of a constantly wet and dirty bottom) was a major cause of emotional problems like stress, anxiety and depression in mothers. ("Poverty in 2013: When Even Diapers Are a Luxury | The Nation." Poverty in 2013: When Even Diapers Are a Luxury | The Nation. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.)
Babies who sit in soiled diapers are prone to chronic diaper rash. The symptoms include bleeding, itching and an oozing rash. There is burning feeling and pain when babies urinate of have a bowel movement. Chronic Diaper rash is often accompanied with a fever. This can be prevented by simply supplying children the clean diapers they need.